Our mission is to produce salt
in a sustainable and ethical way.

What you put into your body is important.

So start with the cleanest, saltiest water.

Working with info from the experts at the Prince William Sound Science Center in Cordova, Alaska we review the research to determine where the best deep ocean water for producting salt is.

Water gathered from greater depth is denser and twice as salty as surface water.

Our water is also cleaner. Surface water and more specifically, harbor water, is full of pollutants both from humans and from sea life. Oil, garbage and other waste is most prominent in places where humans and boats hang out.

Microplastics float closer to the surface, so you can reduce exposure to these contaminants by gathering deep sea water.

The End Result:

Pure. Perfect. Sea Salt.

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Visit us in Whittier, Alaska || Harbor Rd #6, Whittier, AK 99693